
Arawak Indian meaning: paradise a place of peace and rest.

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Yep, that is right, with hours spending putting wires through the small black loom and pulling the fridge and wiring the radar to the panel here in the saloon, IT IS NOT WORKING! After many phone calls and trouble shooting with staff Paul will have an update tomorrow. I am glad that he can read the manuals and instructions see the photo below

Now, I was mistaken yesterday, radar is not a necessity unless we travel at night.... WHICH we will not in the Bahamas. So we can still be on schedule if we have too. I was up at Fort Pierce (45 min drive) to get the mount to put the new radar on. I ordered an area rug, all bound around the edges at a local place. When I got back I helped Paul with wiring the horn for the boat, loud and good. It was the hottest day yet. I then went to Walmart while Paul was trouble shooting. The experience at Walmart is WONDERFUL... see my sarcasm here.... but the prices can't be beat when provisioning. I did another 3 aisles... now if you have not read previous posts..... let me tell you that here in Stuart it is like a long weekend everyday... so Walmart is packed and hunting for a parking spot every time.
Anyway suffice it to say that I did get more provisions (like salsa, and cheese dip etc. when boys come.)
Now if you are a dedicated follower, you would have remembered I was going to tell you why this area is called "The Treasure Coast".... well, it is because in the late 1700's and for about 100 years many a ship got stranded and wrecked here on the coast. Just last year there was a coin found minted in the 1650's in Mexico. Treasures are found all the time here.
Tomorrow is another day, and we have the new watermaker pump to install. We will pump up the inflatible and put the "D" rings on for the davit. stay tuned..... I know you are all interested???

Three grand essentials to HAPPINESS in this life are Something to Do, Something to Love, and Something to Hope For.

Happy Birthday to our Matthew as 21 years ago we had him in a snow storm! (in a hospital, but the drive was in a snow storm to the hospital and Paul's parents drove 1 hour to get to our house to look after our first born )

ps... I did finally read the comments and post them, I am sorry I forgot to look at that feature on our website. So I will be more up to date on the comments. They are posted now and love them. We feel connected to you all.

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