
Arawak Indian meaning: paradise a place of peace and rest.

Thursday, April 4, 2013


When you have been “away” from the amenities you are used to, it is funny the things you miss. Boaters that are following this blog may relate and non-boaters may have some understanding.


a dinghy for transportation .......our car

showering at night after the hot sun........showering and BLOWDRYING my hair in morning

rationing water........ no charge water here at the marina and home

mopping the boat after a rain ............lawn mowers and leaf blowers

cash card most of the time

no make-up ..........putting on make-up again (for me), yes, I must!

flip flops .........sandals and running shoes!

From a 400 square foot store ...........Big Box Stores with parking issues

blue sparkling waters grass that grows like crazy!

Toe rings and anklets......... rings on fingers and bracelets

a wallet actual purse with “stuff in it”

a small bbq on board .............our patio big bbq on the back deck

two small lawn chairs.............. our patio furniture with cushions

commuting on water to town............... driving with hundreds of others

no television ..............endless selection and now commercials

rationing your romaine lettuce .........endless supply of produce, I hugged a zuchinni!

Mahi Mahi..........hamburgers, steak, pork and lamb!

We are loving being back and enjoy the many amenities we have missed. Driving our car again took a few minutes (I forgot where the volume was for the stereo!). We will book our flights home to Ottawa soon but need to decompress a bit. We have been blessed with the news that we will be grandparents for the first time end of October AND that means I had to shop in a baby department today!! What a great year 2013 will bring. We all hope your year will be a great one too.

I will keep posting until end of May.

What children need most are the essentials that grandparents provide in abundance. They give unconditional love, kindness, patience, humour, comfort, lessons in life. And most importantly, COOKIES!

1 comment:

Vicki said...

I LOVE IT!! You are so funny...but it is all true. Congratulations Grandma and Grandpa-to-be!!