
Arawak Indian meaning: paradise a place of peace and rest.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


We left Ft Lauderdale inlet for the Atlantic to cross the Gulf Stream at 7:30 am Monday morning. Try to imagine you riding the “underground, subway or tube” without a seat, holding the steel bar, going around bends, stopping and going, bracing with your feet with salt spray in your face. After three hours you would be tired and asking the pregnant lady for the priority seat you gave up... or you would get off at the next stop immediately even if it is not your destination. At least you did not stand next to a hairy man sharing your steel pole with a sleeveless top and tattoos with body odor right next to you. The next stop is nice but you feel defeated and wanted to continue... this was our journey yesterday. After 3 hours we made an executive decision (we both have voting rights) and turned Coyaba for Key Biscayne, south of Miami. We have never been here, it is beautiful but it is not our destination. We arrived here around 2pm!! A very long day, 2 gravols (anti-nausea pills) later we arrived at the Government Cut here in Miami. This is the shipping area, and I do not mean the cruise ships.

We will have a short trip when the time comes for us to venture to Bimini again as the route there from here is more direct and the stream is in our favour as it will add a couple of knots of speed to our cat.

We have many little things to do on the boat as we wait for the weather “window” again. Paul bought a seat for the dinghy with a back etc. so that needs to be installed, we are anxious to make water in this clearer water, we have a cleat leaking at the bow into a hold and the list is neverending on a boat. We do have our internet and a few good tv channels. A bad day at the boat is always better than a good day at work. (Paul wavered on that saying though hahahaha).

I did take some "kewl" pictures so see below if interested.

This is one of many container ships
on our way into Miami downtown.

Many containers, many from China, surprise?

Seeing Miami from our flybridge
as we came in early afternoon

See the big "boat", this is just one of many.
Miami is a boater's paradise!

This is the sunset we saw after
a rough day at sea, a calming effect!

Anchor A mechanical device that is supposed to keep the boat in one place (see dragging). These devices are sometimes used to submerge expensive anchor lines and chain when used without proper termination at both ends of the anchor line.

Astern A type of look. Your spouse gives you astern look when you attempt to buy things for your new boat OR if you are yelling instructions about anchoring!

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