
Arawak Indian meaning: paradise a place of peace and rest.

Friday, February 10, 2012


We travelled from the Exuma Land and Sea Park to Staniel Cay on Thursday. We figured that there is so much to see and do here that we skipped Compass Cay. Staniel Cay is known for the a James Bond movie titled Thunderball. All of it filmed right here. Today we did snorkel right in the Thunderball grotto (cave)... it was awesome! When you snorkel you always compare what you see to the last place your best snorkeling experience was. Many years ago, my best experience was on Barcardi Island in Santiago de Cuba... now I will be comparing all my future snorkeling experiences to this location. There was so many fish and coral that I did not even know existed. If someone had one snorkeling experience in their life, this is the location, I am not exaggerating.

We went into town and bought homemade cinnamon bread and whole wheat, right at someone's kitchen in their home. They had a sign at their tree at their door, mmmmmm. We went out for lunch too today, first meal out since Nassau. Ben, Sam, Tyler and myself had fish but Jalyn had a hamburger, the biggest I have ever seen. Everyone is so friendly here. We saw the tiny airport and know where we are going tomorrow morning to send off everyone. We will have a week “holiday” before other 2 sons arrive with their buddies. What fun awaits them ( and us!). We haven't seen them since Jan. 3 so I miss them! It will be a return this time, from here to Nassau with a night at Atantis for the guys to experience.

It is very expensive here so I must do some special meal planning ie: Spaghetti etc. I did provision the freezer well so that is a blessing. Meat is scarce.

We did go to a nearby island and saw the swimming pigs!! Yes you heard me! Staniel Cay is famous for the pigs that swim in the salt water as you throw out your carrots. And there were about 10 tiny piglets on land learning what they have to do. I have pictures, unfortunately internet here is like dial up (or at home in Metcalfe hahahaah) so no pictures. I may send a odd picture here and there separate.

We are enjoying ourselves and hope you are all well at home.

Happiness Can Be a Secret Place—Somewhere To Go To In Your Hour of Pain, Where a Moment's Peace Can Fill Your Heart. (author unknown)

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