
Arawak Indian meaning: paradise a place of peace and rest.

Saturday, February 2, 2013


Blue waters are now everywhere visually as we are now anchored in the Exumas! And the darkness brings new sights! We left Ontario January 1st and we are now in Staniel Cay one month later. We are enjoying our son Ben and wife Sam with their friends on their last days here.

Look Ma what I caught!!
We traveled from Nassau to Norman's Cay and wow... Benjamin caught a barracuda. This fish is not good eating unless less than 5 lbs as it carries a disease. This fish was much larger and a fighter. It was fun bringing it in.

Down here when the sun sets we see darkness that you cannot see in a city or even near a city. The kids are seeing stars they have never seen before and the ones they've seen before are brighter.

We snorkeled today at the Thunderball Grotto and saw many fish especially when we crumbled up the bread crumbs. Fish come out of all the nooks and crannies, caves and caverns! This was a highlight for the kids and for everyone that comes to visit us. Tomorrow we say good-bye but our kids will go home with many memories.

Ben, Sam, Becky and Tristan
all dressed up for Atlantis Resort, Nassau

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Our tally so far is 5 Barracuda and 1 Spanish Mackerel. We cut the B's loose and ate the Mackerel. So happy to see you arrived and are loving the Exumas. We are still revelling in the Spanish Wells area and will be here until we meet our son and family in Nassau on the 16th.